
A powerful, easily deployable network traffic analysis tool suite for network security monitoring

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Hedgehog Linux

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Zeek Intelligence Framework

To quote Zeek’s Intelligence Framework documentation, “The goals of Zeek’s Intelligence Framework are to consume intelligence data, make it available for matching, and provide infrastructure to improve performance and memory utilization. Data in the Intelligence Framework is an atomic piece of intelligence such as an IP address or an e-mail address. This atomic data will be packed with metadata such as a freeform source field, a freeform descriptive field, and a URL which might lead to more information about the specific item.” Zeek intelligence indicator types include IP addresses, URLs, file names, hashes, email addresses, and more.

Malcolm doesn’t come bundled with intelligence files from any particular feed, but they can be easily included into a local instance. On startup, Malcolm’s ghcr.io/idaholab/malcolm/zeek container enumerates the subdirectories under ./zeek/intel (which is bind mounted into the container’s runtime) and configures Zeek so those intelligence files will be automatically included in its local policy. Subdirectories under ./zeek/intel that contain their own __load__.zeek file will be @load-ed as-is, while subdirectories containing “loose” intelligence files will be loaded automatically with a redef Intel::read_files directive.

Note that Malcolm does not manage updates for these intelligence files. Users use the update mechanism suggested by the feeds’ maintainers to keep intelligence files up to date, or use a TAXII or MISP feed as described below.

Adding and deleting intelligence files under this directory will take effect upon restarting Malcolm. Alternately, users can use the ZEEK_INTEL_REFRESH_CRON_EXPRESSION environment variable containing a cron expression to specify the interval at which the intel files should be refreshed. This can also be done manually without restarting Malcolm by running the following command from the Malcolm installation directory:

docker compose exec --user $(id -u) zeek /usr/local/bin/docker_entrypoint.sh true

As multiple instances of this container may be running in a Malcolm deployment (i.e., a zeek-live container for monitoring local network interfaces and a zeek container for scanning uploaded PCAPs), only the non-live container is responsible for creating and managing the Zeek intel files, which are then shared and used by both types of container instances.

For a public example of Zeek intelligence files, see Critical Path Security’s repository, which aggregates data from various other threat feeds into Zeek’s format.


In addition to loading Zeek intelligence files on startup, Malcolm will automatically generate a Zeek intelligence file for all Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX™) v2.0/v2.1 JSON files found under ./zeek/intel/STIX.

Additionally, if a special text file named .stix_input.txt is found in ./zeek/intel/STIX, that file will be read and processed as a list of TAXII™ 2.0/2.1 feeds, one per line, according to the following format (the username and password are optional):


For example:

taxii|2.0|http://example.org/taxii/|IP Blocklist|guest|guest
taxii|2.1|https://example.com/taxii/api2/|URL Blocklist

Malcolm will attempt to query the TAXII feed(s) for indicator STIX objects and convert them to the Zeek intelligence format as described above. There are publicly available TAXII 2.x-compatible services provided by a number of organizations including Anomali Labs and MITRE; or users may choose from several open-source offerings to roll their own TAXII 2 server (e.g., oasis-open/cti-taxii-server, freetaxii/server, StephenOTT/TAXII-Server, etc.).

Note that only indicators of cyber-observable objects matched with the equals (=) comparison operator against a single value can be expressed as Zeek intelligence items. More complex STIX indicators will be silently ignored.


In addition to loading Zeek intelligence files on startup, Malcolm will automatically generate a Zeek intelligence file for all Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) JSON files found under ./zeek/intel/MISP.

Additionally, if a special text file named .misp_input.txt is found in ./zeek/intel/MISP, that file will be read and processed as a list of MISP feed URLs, one per line, according to the following format:

misp|misp_url|auth_key (optional)

For example:


Malcolm will attempt to connect to the MISP feed(s) and retrieve Attribute objects of MISP events and convert them to the Zeek intelligence format as described above. There are publicly available MISP feeds and communities, or users may run their own MISP instance.

Upon Malcolm connects to the URLs for the MISP feeds in .misp_input.txt, it will attempt to determine the format of the data served and process it accordingly. This could be presented as:

Note that only a subset of MISP attribute types can be expressed with the Zeek intelligence indicator types. MISP attributes with other types will be silently ignored.